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Business Course Syllabus (Example)Lesson 1 - How do I correctly greet?
(처음 만난 사람과의 올바른 인사 법) Lesson 2 - How do I begin and end a conversation? (대화의 시작과 끝맺음) Lesson 3 - How do I begin and end a conversation with an owner, vender, or class representative? (선주, 선급, 벤더 등 이해관계자와의 대화 유도) Lesson 4 - What should I do to increase the likelihood of a vendor or owner’s response? (벤더, 선주의 답변을 빠르게 받을 수 있는 Writing 기법) Lesson 5 - What should I do if an vendor, owner will not respond to repeated follow-ups? (Stage 1) (반복된 질의에도 응답이 없는 벤더, 선주에게 정중하게 대응하기) Lesson 6 - What should I do if a vendor or owner will not respond to repeated follow-ups? (Stage 2) (반복된 질의에도 응답이 없는 벤더, 선주에게 완고하게 대응하기) Lesson 7 - What should I do if an owner wants to deviate from my company’s standards? (선주가 회사의 기준을 넘어선 요구를 할 때) Lesson 8 - What should I do if an owner wants to change suppliers, won’t pay extra, or won’t extend the delivery date? (선주가 추가비용, 추가 기간 없이 자재를 변경하고자 할 때) Lesson 9 - What should I do if an owner wants to change vendors and my company doesn’t? (선주가 벤더를 변경 요청하고, 회사는 원치 않을 때 거절방법) Lesson 10 - What Should I do if an owner continues to ask my company to make concessions? (선주가 지속적으로 추가적인 요구를 할 때 ) Lesson 11 - What Should I do if an owner is angry with me? (선주가 화났을 때) Lesson 12 - Summarize, Evaluate, and Wrapping up Test (과정 요약, 평가) Who Should Enroll?