Course Overview: The Step-by-Step Learning Process
Step 1: Student Writes Response(Student's Homework)The student writes a response to the OPIc topic then notifies the teacher when finished by sending the teacher a KakaoTalk message, text, or email.
Step 4: Record & Send Response(Student's Optional Homework)The student records themselves reading their response using their phone then uploads in "Youtube Capture"
Step 5: Practice, Play, & Perfect Spoken Response (PPPSR)(In Class)The student and the teacher meet to practice the difficult parts of the response and try to improve upon the original response.
Step 6: Final Recording(Student's Homework)Finally, the student records their voice again using "Youtube Capture" for final review. After the final review is perfect, the student will move onto the next topic.
16. Type My EmailClick the circled area and type my email in the area.
17. Send Me NotificationClick the triangle in the upper right-hand corner. Google will send me an email that says I can edit your document.
18. Send Me Kakao MessageSend me a Kakao message telling me that you completed all of the steps. I will check my email after I get your Kakao message.
Pre-Lesson 1: Complete Background Survey
1. Select Interesting Topics
Select the topics you are interested in so that you can easily remember the memories that your answers originate from.