Business Developers_As a business developer for, you have a way to build a business around helping English language learners in Korea. You decide how many hours you want to work. If you want to canvas neighborhoods everyday or just once a month, it is up to you. When a client uses your unique BDID code when they fill out a "Teacher Request" form, you will receive a finders fee and/or residual passive income depending on your level of involvement. Feel free to fill out the business developer application on the right if you meet the following criteria:
Privacy Notice
_ 7 Step Process
Marketing Materials
The goal of the materials is for hogwans, families, and organizations to fill out a teacher request form or contact me or my Korean representatives for more information. If they don't mention your BDID they will not receive a 50% discount off the first class.
Business Developer Application
1. Type your full name.
2. Upload your resume/CV. 3. Upload a picture of yourself. 4. Click all the boxes that apply. 5. Click Submit. After approval of your application, you will receive your unique BDID so that you will receive compensation for your business development efforts. If you are having a hard time viewing the form, click here for an external link.
A webform by Podio - click here to get yours